

Friday 5 June 2015

Robocraft - Day 5

For the last day, I finally decided to play on Battle mode. In this mode, there are two opposing teams that each have these honeycomb-like things at their base.

On your team, you must protect your base from the opponents; since they are trying to destroy it.

While defending your base, you must also destroy the other team's base to win the game. You have to aim at the hexagon shapes on the base. Once all the hexagons are gone, congratulations you've won the game. Your opponent's base wile then explode and you will be sent back to the mothership; awarded with robopoints and tech points.
My advice when playing on battle mode: Personally I enjoy being on offensive mode rather than defensive mode. And so, a strategy is to sneak around the middle of the map so you cannot be seen by your enemy. Use the route that is close to the edge of map and shoot at the enemy's base from afar.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Robocraft - Day 4

Today, I've decided to explore the Tech Tree tab. Here, you are able to unlock new material and weapons with Tech points to upgrade your robot.

I learned that you need to be at a certain level/tier to unlock certain items. To earn Tech points, you must win battles and games. After unlocking your item, you may go to the Cube Depot to purchase it with you Robopoints. I recommend playing the games to continue leveling up, and saving up your tech points. Buy new material occasionally. 

During practice mode, if you ever get flipped over and can't move, you can flip onto your wheels by pressing the 'F' key.

After unlocking and buying new material, I decided to rebuild my robot. This is the finished product. I made the build more wide so I can fit more weapons onto it.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Robocraft - Day 3

Today I discovered that you are able to change the settings of the game by pressing the ESC key, then clicking the SETTINGS option. Here, you are able to change several things. I changed the quality settings to reduce lagging.

I began to build a new robot in BAY 01. I deleted the original robot in this bay by right-clicking on all the blocks. I found out that you can access your inventory by using the Q key shortcut. Additionally, you are able to rotate your blocks by using the scroll wheel, and switch to a different  block by clicking on another block with the scroll wheel.

While building the robot, I came across a RED line which allowed me to place blocks symmetrically. Except I didn't know how to get rid of it, but it disappeared after I reloaded the mothership.

This is the finished product.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Robocraft - Day 2

Today I explored around with Robocraft. 

My advice: After pressing the TAB key on the keyboard,
a window with several tabs to click at the top opens up. The tabs are are titled as: inventory,
cube depot, tech tree, battle, garage, and social.
Inventory - you are able to access your items you own
Cube depot - buy new material to build with
Tech tree - view your locked and unlocked items
Battle - select an option to play in
Garage - switch between your robots
Social - add friends/friends list
In the garage tab, after clicking the BAY 02, the robot switches, and you are able to use it in battle after clicking LOAD robot. You also may sell your robot here.
At the mothership, you are able to build your own robot as well.
To place something; left-click, to remove something; right-click

Monday 1 June 2015

Robocraft - Day 1

I registered and logged into Robocraft.

I went to practice mode and played around with the controls.
I'm slowly getting used to the control

My advice: To move use the WASD keys. To turn don't press and hold the keys
for to long; or else you may just do a 360 degree turn.