

Thursday 12 March 2015

James Bowie

Who was he? 
James Bowie was born in April 1796 in Logan County, Kentucky. He was a soldier, smuggler, and land speculator. He died in the battle of Alamo in Texas.

What did he accomplish in his life time?
Bowie moved to Texas in 1828, and befriended the Mexican vice governor. After, he became a Mexican citizen, was given land grants, and even married the daughter of the vice governor. 

What was he famous for? 
James Bowie was mainly known for his role in the battle of Alamo, and the brawl he had with a sheriff in 1827. Despite the fact that Bowie was seriously injured in this fight, he killed the sheriff with a large knife and became the victor. Stories about this spread, and Bowie rose to fame. His fame resulted in having a knife named after him, and becoming an American folk hero.


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